JVC AX1 - Amazing!

General audio discussion
Messaggi: 51
Iscritto il: mar 11 feb 2020, 18:05

JVC AX1 - Amazing!

Messaggio: # 14640Messaggio jogunast
ven 21 mag 2021, 18:46

I received JVC AX1 from well known Croatian hi-fi amp builder with more than 50 years of experience in audio design.
I was always boring him with stories about CCI and Grundig, so he decided to send me what he considers is finest Japanese mass produced amplifier in order to compare it against my beloved Grundigs.
Well.. I did compare it and the result wasn't what I was expecting.

After JVC got to right temperature, it could play on same level with anything I put it against (never repaired or opened V7000, V7200, R25, V1700)

To my surprise JVC had rather "familiar sound"; well defined three dimensional space and details, but with pronounced visceral impact, speed and precision compared to Grundig.
On the other hand Grundig had more laid back, relaxed/fluid presentation with somewhat deeper soundstage, but little less precision and clarity.

Timbre was rather similar between two brands, but Grundig had edge in naturalness.

Overall, I didn't expect JVC to preform on nearly the same level with Grundig. But it did!
Grundig has small advantage in realism of presentation, soundstage depth, and timbre, but JVC is so stupidly effortless and precise in presentation that it kind of makes you forget those minor differences.
Differences are so small that it is almost a matter of taste! (I took out 4 amplifiers just to be sure)
I don't know what CCI is, but I know how CCI amp sounds.. and this JVC sounds very very similar.
It's rare but if you can, try one. You will be amazed :)

Messaggi: 1058
Iscritto il: ven 16 feb 2018, 8:49

Re: JVC AX1 - Amazing!

Messaggio: # 14652Messaggio nerone
dom 23 mag 2021, 19:17

đź‘ŤGrazie della segnalazione
